Saturday, December 25, 2010

Jack's First Christmas

It was a busy but fun holiday week for us! Of course we started off our week with the best Christmas present ever - little Jack being born on December 17th ;-) Christmas Eve we went to my parents for the day and went to Grandma Elsie's for Christmas Eve dinner where we got to meet cousins Clarissa and Jacob for the first time. Christmas Day was spent with Great Grandma Jackelen at Glenhaven. We all had lunch and Great Grandma Jackelen also sang Jack his Happy Birthday Song (see attached for the special!). Later that evening, Grandpa and Grandma Miller stopped in and brought supper. Grandma & Grandpa Jackelen, Auntie Kayla, and Adam, Anna, and Liam also stopped by. We also got a surpise visit by Santa Claus! My Dad dressed up for the occassion ;-). We had all of Scott's family over on the 26th for family Christmas party and Jack got in some great snuggle time with his Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins. Our last party was held on January 3rd with my side of the family. Jack's first few weeks of being in our world has been nothing but "Party, Party, Party!" haha...he did pretty well, but it has been nice to have a few quiet days this week to just relax! ;-)

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