Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dr. Appointment Update - 40 Weeks 2 days

It's 2:20 a.m. on Wednesday morning and I can't sleep!! So, I figured I'd get on the computer and fill you all in on my appointment yesterday. It went well, except that I haven't really progressed any! Doc says I'm continuing to soften and thin, but no dilating. I thought he'd be able to strip my membranes today, but he couldn't even do that because I haven't dilated. Bummer!

If nothing happens between now and my next appointment, I will go in next Tuesday morning to be induced with prostaglandin
gel. He said to come to the appointment with my bags packed! So, we should for sure have Jack in our arms by next week - I'm thinking December 15th will be his birth date....but who knows, he might end up being my birthday present on the 17th, or his Grandma Dellene's birthday present on the 18th! Hopefully we get to meet him next week at some point!

Oh...and here's a scary thought - Doc said yesterday that he now thinks Jack's about 8 pounds!! ahhh!! That scares the crap out of me. He said it was just a guess, and that it could just seem that way due to water fluctuation. My belly measured the same as last week - 38 centimeters, so who knows! I liked it better last week when he estimated 6 pounds!

Scott's last day of work is today (he doesn't go back until January 3rd), so it will be nice to have the next few days to ourselves as it won't be just the two of us for too much longer!
I am also so happy that he'll be able to be home with Jack and I those first few weeks after he's born...that will be so wonderful.

I hope to share more exciting news soon! Stay tuned! ;-)

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