Wednesday, December 15, 2010

41 Weeks, 3 days Appointment

Well, not much progress made today. Still haven't dilated. Doc gave me another dose of gel and monitored my contractions. We are scheduled to go in again tomorrow for more gel at 8:45 a.m. Doctor said usually by the third dose patients start seeing some we are crossing our fingers!! We also scheduled two appointments for Friday to get two more doses of gel if we don't see any progress. But hopefully we won't need the two other appointments on Friday. Scott and I think the earliest things will start happening is probably Thursday night. We are both thinking that Jack is just holding off until my b-day on Friday! Which would be sooo awesome! I would love it if that special!!!

As of today, the doc said worst case scenario is if nothing happens Friday or over the weekend, he will admit me to the hospital on Tuesday for a more intense induction that requires me to be monitored. He said a c-section will be our last resort but he won't let me go any farther than 42.5 weeks (which would be next Wed the 22nd). UGH...seems so long away....hopefully I won't need to worry about any of that!

So far tonight I've been recording my contractions....They have been ranging from 20 minutes to 7 minutes apart. So we are all over the board! The last few I've had are starting to get a little more uncomfortable, but not really painful at all.

We are praying for some progress tomorrow ;-)

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