Tuesday, December 14, 2010

41 Week Appointment

Today I had my 41 week appointment. I haven't dilated yet, but am about 90% effaced. The doctor induced me with Gel and hooked me up to the monitors to watch my contractions and Jack's heartbeat. I had a few contractions, but they weren't painful at all and were not consistent. So, he sent us home and is having us come back tomorrow for another dose of Gel at 10:45 a.m. He may give me 2 doses of gel if time allows. We will probably do this the next two days until I begin to dilate. This is all we can do at this point to help things progress. Before he is able to break my water or give me patosin to help speed things up, my cervix needs to be dilated, and that is the part I'm missing. If I don't end up dilating at all with the gel, we will schedule a c-section for early next week!

So far tonight, I'm still feeling great - I've started having more consistent contractions that have been about 10-15 minutes apart, but they don't hurt at all....my stomach just gets really hard and tight for about a minute and then it goes away. This has to be the start of something!

My mom and I were talking and she said this is the same exact situation she was in with me 28 years ago!! My mom's due date with me was around December 5th and I was not born until December 17th, so I could be on the same exact schedule! Jack just might be waiting a few more days to give me one of the most amazing birthday presents ever!

I'll keep you posted on tomorrow's appointment!

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