Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update - 34 Week Dr. Appointment

My 34 week Dr. Appointment was on last Tuesday and it went very well. Jack's heartbeat was around 135 bpm, and my belly measured about 33 centimeters. Dr. Hildebrandt told me that I was right on track and that if I can make it another week and a half I will be good to go! It's crazy to think that I could have Jack in my arms that soon already! Most likely it won't be that soon, but it's crazy to think that it could happen! My next appointment is on Tuesday, November 9. Dr. is going to check me at that point to see if I've made any progress.

I have also noticed over the weekend that Jack has dropped!! I can finally eat and feel comfortable again...and I'm feeling a lot of pressure "down there" along with an occasional tingly shooting pain feeling. Things are definitely progressing, but I will know more at my Dr. Appointment next Tuesday! I will try and post a picture of my belly too....I feel like I look like an alien! LOL!

At home I've been doing a lot of cleaning and decorating (that is an understatement!)....this whole nesting thing has certainly gotten the best of me! I don't know what it is, but I just feel like I need the house looking perfect! We hung up some empty picture frames on our staircase wall...it looks really neat and professional!! I can't wait to fill them up with pictures of my sweet little boy!

I only have 12 days left of work, so it's been crazy trying to organize my projects and start handing things off to the person who is going to take over my projects while I'm out. I'm definitely looking forward to my time off though...hopefully I'll get our Christmas tree up and the rest of my Christmas shopping done before Jack decides to enter the world!

Lots to look forward too in the next few weeks!! Stay tuned! ;-)

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