Thursday, November 25, 2010


The turkey's not done yet!! Still cooking!

When I ask myself what I'm thankful for this year, of course one of the first things that pop in my head is my sweet little JACK! My pregnancy with Jack has been a breeze so far with no major discomforts...but of course I don't want to speak too soon because it's not completely over yet!! Jack appears to be as healthy as can be - and that is a huge blessing in itself! We thank God everyday for that and consider ourselves lucky! We are patiently awaiting his arrival which could be any day now!! But we'll let him keep cooking until he's ready! ;-)

I am also very thankful for my supportive, loving husband who has been putting up with me these past 9 months - helping with house chores, lifting heavy things for me, changing my toenail polish, putting my socks on because I can't bend over, heating up my oatmeal in the mornings, attending all my Dr. appointments with me (even though the doc makes fun of him for that!! Haha!) and the list could go on and on. I know he will be an amazing Dad to Jack and will certainly make this a team effort! I asked him the other day if he was nervous or scared at all....he said "nah...I'm ready for it!" I'm so thankful for Scott's calm, easy going, confident nature because it helps relieve my worries and nerves! I think we counter balance each other so nicely!!

My last two appointments have went very well. As of last week, I have not dilated yet, but my cervix is continuing to soften. I haven't had any real different feelings since my 37 week appointment, so the doctor didn't check me this last Tuesday at my 38 week appointment. He said he'd check me at my 39 week appointment, which is scheduled for next Tuesday. Doc also said no traveling for Thanksgiving and to stay put close to home just in case something were to, Scott and I are missing out on Thanksgiving at Wausau at Kari & Nevin's. Instead, we are going to go to my mom and dad's for Thanksgiving supper tonight.

It's hard to believe that my due date is a little over a week away! I will keep you posted on my 39 week appointment next Tuesday!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe travels!


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