Tuesday, November 30, 2010

39 Week Dr. Appointment

Our appointment went good this afternoon....looks like Jack wants to stay inside another week or at least through the weekend. My cervix has continued to soften and thin, but I haven't dilated yet. My belly measured 38 centimeters, and Jack's heartbeat was around 130 bpm. The doc thinks Jack is about 6 pounds right now and said he'd probably be about 7 pounds by the time he's born.

I am feeling pretty good - been having cramps and a backache the past few days - the doc says that is a good thing and completely normal. I've also been having contractions (whether they are braxton hicks or the real thing, we don't really know), but I've been experiencing them about two times in an hour. The doc also says this is also good thing! So, overall, things are progressing, but at a slow pace - hopefully I'll have more progress by next week's appointment!

Stay tuned!


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