Tuesday, November 9, 2010

36 Week Dr. Appt.

I had my 36 week Dr. Appointment this afternoon and all looked good! Jack was very active during our appointment and showed off his moves to the nurse while she was listening to his heartbeat! She told us he was quite an active little boy - and that was a very good thing!! His heartbeat was skipping all over from 120 to 140 bpm...so, she just averaged it out at 130 bpm. My belly measured 34 centimeters.

The doc told me my cervix has softened and I am making good progress. He said with most women their cervix is still hard at this point, so I'm ahead of the game. He said I should plan on being pregnant another 2 weeks for sure...from that point it is up in the air, but I could go a week or so early.

My next appointment is next Tuesday...stay tuned!! ;-)

P.S. Thanks everyone for voting on middle names! It's helping us make a decision!!

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