Tuesday, November 30, 2010

39 Week Dr. Appointment

Our appointment went good this afternoon....looks like Jack wants to stay inside another week or at least through the weekend. My cervix has continued to soften and thin, but I haven't dilated yet. My belly measured 38 centimeters, and Jack's heartbeat was around 130 bpm. The doc thinks Jack is about 6 pounds right now and said he'd probably be about 7 pounds by the time he's born.

I am feeling pretty good - been having cramps and a backache the past few days - the doc says that is a good thing and completely normal. I've also been having contractions (whether they are braxton hicks or the real thing, we don't really know), but I've been experiencing them about two times in an hour. The doc also says this is also good thing! So, overall, things are progressing, but at a slow pace - hopefully I'll have more progress by next week's appointment!

Stay tuned!


Thursday, November 25, 2010


The turkey's not done yet!! Still cooking!

When I ask myself what I'm thankful for this year, of course one of the first things that pop in my head is my sweet little JACK! My pregnancy with Jack has been a breeze so far with no major discomforts...but of course I don't want to speak too soon because it's not completely over yet!! Jack appears to be as healthy as can be - and that is a huge blessing in itself! We thank God everyday for that and consider ourselves lucky! We are patiently awaiting his arrival which could be any day now!! But we'll let him keep cooking until he's ready! ;-)

I am also very thankful for my supportive, loving husband who has been putting up with me these past 9 months - helping with house chores, lifting heavy things for me, changing my toenail polish, putting my socks on because I can't bend over, heating up my oatmeal in the mornings, attending all my Dr. appointments with me (even though the doc makes fun of him for that!! Haha!) and the list could go on and on. I know he will be an amazing Dad to Jack and will certainly make this a team effort! I asked him the other day if he was nervous or scared at all....he said "nah...I'm ready for it!" I'm so thankful for Scott's calm, easy going, confident nature because it helps relieve my worries and nerves! I think we counter balance each other so nicely!!

My last two appointments have went very well. As of last week, I have not dilated yet, but my cervix is continuing to soften. I haven't had any real different feelings since my 37 week appointment, so the doctor didn't check me this last Tuesday at my 38 week appointment. He said he'd check me at my 39 week appointment, which is scheduled for next Tuesday. Doc also said no traveling for Thanksgiving and to stay put close to home just in case something were to happen...so, Scott and I are missing out on Thanksgiving at Wausau at Kari & Nevin's. Instead, we are going to go to my mom and dad's for Thanksgiving supper tonight.

It's hard to believe that my due date is a little over a week away! I will keep you posted on my 39 week appointment next Tuesday!! Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe travels!


Congratulations to Greg & Katrina Chovan!

Congrats to Greg, Katrina, Jenna and Jill on the new addition to their family!!

Jacob (not sure what his middle name is)
Born Monday, November 22nd
8 lbs. 8 oz.
21.5 in. long


One down, two to go!! Who will be next? Lacey or Monica?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baby Shower!

Last Sunday, my fabulous sisters-in-law, Kari and Katrina, threw me and baby Jack a lovely baby shower! It was a "rubber ducky" theme and it turned out so cute! Check out the cake below!! They are so creative. The shower was wonderful and we received many great gifts! I think we are now pretty well set for Baby Jack to enter the world!!
A special thanks to Katrina for opening up her home for the shower ;-)

Me with the Hosts, Katrina and Kari
The super cute cake!
Snap Shots from the Shower
(Click to view larger)
All the Pregos!!
Alessiah, Lacey, Me, Katrina, Kari, and Krista

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Maternity Photo Shoot

We had our Maternity Photo Shoot done by Photos by Lissa a few weeks ago....I posted a sneak peek a few days afterwards for you all to view. The pics are now all finished.....Here are a few of my faves!

To see all of them follow these steps:
1. www.photosbylissa.com
2. Click "Website"
3. Click Client Viewing
4. Enter Password: monica

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

36 Week Photo Shoot

My mom and sister Gina came over last night and we took a few pictures....enjoy!

36 Week Dr. Appt.

I had my 36 week Dr. Appointment this afternoon and all looked good! Jack was very active during our appointment and showed off his moves to the nurse while she was listening to his heartbeat! She told us he was quite an active little boy - and that was a very good thing!! His heartbeat was skipping all over from 120 to 140 bpm...so, she just averaged it out at 130 bpm. My belly measured 34 centimeters.

The doc told me my cervix has softened and I am making good progress. He said with most women their cervix is still hard at this point, so I'm ahead of the game. He said I should plan on being pregnant another 2 weeks for sure...from that point it is up in the air, but I could go a week or so early.

My next appointment is next Tuesday...stay tuned!! ;-)

P.S. Thanks everyone for voting on middle names! It's helping us make a decision!!

Tid Bits from Jack's Room

Here are a few things you will find in Jack's Room!

His cute little jeans

Rocking Chair with Mr. Elephant

A few piggy banks and a picture of himself

His trendy pacifiers

A drawer full of onsies

A closet full of clothes!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Another Cute Chloe Moment...

Look where I found Chloe tonight!! I started packing a suitcase for the hospital...the suitcase is in Jack's room....I found her all curled up laying in it! I think this means she wants to come with to the hospital when it's time...hahaha!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Story of Baby Jesus' Birth

With Jack's due date being so close to Christmas, I often think about the birth of Jesus and what a magical time of year it is. Christmas will be extra special for us this year....what a beautiful time of year to welcome our first newborn son!

The Story of Baby Jesus' Birth

Mary was a young lady who loved God very much. Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter, he worked with wood to build things. Joseph loved God very much too. God choose Mary and Joseph to be very special parents to a baby that would be our Lord and Saviour, the King of all Kings.

God sent the Angel Gabriel to tell Mary the special news. The Angel said "Greetings, you are highly favored! The Lord is with you." The Angel could tell that Mary was troubled. "Mary, Do not be afraid," Gabriel said, "I bring you Good News. God has chosen you to be the Mother to the Son of God, and you shall name him "Jesus". Mary was surprised, and asked "How can that be? I am not married yet." The Angel said "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God." Mary replied, "I love God with all my heart. I will do whatever he asks."

Mary went to stay with her cousin, Elizabeth, who was also pregnant with child. When Joseph found out that Mary was with child he was concerned because he knew that the child was not his. Joseph and Mary had not married yet. As Joseph was considering what to do, an Angel appeared to him in his dream.

The Angel said "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." When Joseph woke up he did what the angel of the Lord commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.

The emperor of the country, Caesar Augustus, ordered everyone to go to their family's hometown to be listed for tax records. Joseph was from the family of David. So he and Mary had to go to the city of Bethlehem. Mary rode on a donkey, and Joseph walked along at her side. The trip was very hard, especially for Mary, because she was about to have her baby. When they arrived at Bethlehem it was very crowded, and they could not find any place to sleep. All the rooms at the Inn's were full.

Joseph went from Inn to Inn searching for a place for his tired wife to sleep. But there was no place to be found. Finally a kind Inn Keeper saw that Mary was great with child, and having compassion for the couple he told Joseph that they could stay in the Stable, with his animals. Joseph thanked the Inn Keeper and took Mary and the donkey to the Stable. That night Mary gave birth to Baby Jesus in the Stable. There was no bed for baby Jesus, so his mother wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger

Chloe found a New Bed!

The other night I was about to head to bed and was looking for Chloe...Looked all over, and found her sleeping in Jack's room on his Little Lamb Infant Seat! I couldn't help myself but laugh but I tried to keep quiet and ran and got the camera and snapped a picture! Too cute not to share!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Update - 34 Week Dr. Appointment

My 34 week Dr. Appointment was on last Tuesday and it went very well. Jack's heartbeat was around 135 bpm, and my belly measured about 33 centimeters. Dr. Hildebrandt told me that I was right on track and that if I can make it another week and a half I will be good to go! It's crazy to think that I could have Jack in my arms that soon already! Most likely it won't be that soon, but it's crazy to think that it could happen! My next appointment is on Tuesday, November 9. Dr. is going to check me at that point to see if I've made any progress.

I have also noticed over the weekend that Jack has dropped!! I can finally eat and feel comfortable again...and I'm feeling a lot of pressure "down there" along with an occasional tingly shooting pain feeling. Things are definitely progressing, but I will know more at my Dr. Appointment next Tuesday! I will try and post a picture of my belly too....I feel like I look like an alien! LOL!

At home I've been doing a lot of cleaning and decorating (that is an understatement!)....this whole nesting thing has certainly gotten the best of me! I don't know what it is, but I just feel like I need the house looking perfect! We hung up some empty picture frames on our staircase wall...it looks really neat and professional!! I can't wait to fill them up with pictures of my sweet little boy!

I only have 12 days left of work, so it's been crazy trying to organize my projects and start handing things off to the person who is going to take over my projects while I'm out. I'm definitely looking forward to my time off though...hopefully I'll get our Christmas tree up and the rest of my Christmas shopping done before Jack decides to enter the world!

Lots to look forward too in the next few weeks!! Stay tuned! ;-)