Friday, June 4, 2010

Recap of First Trimester

How far along? 13 weeks and 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds up - I'm not skipping meals anymore!

Maternity clothes? Not yet - Using the hair binder trick around my pant's button though!

Sleep: During weeks 6-11, I was in bed by 7:00 p.m.! Now that I'm through my first trimester, I am back to my regular schedule when I was not pregnant - I go to bed around 10:00 p.m. and wake up around 6:30 a.m. on normal working days.

Best moment: There has been lots of them - seeing two lines on the pregnancy test, being blessed by God with this amazing gift, telling our family and friends we were expecting, hearing the heartbeat, seeing the baby in the ultrasounds, showing off ultrasound pics, being able to share updates on this blog!

Movement: I have seen baby's dancing moves in the ultrasounds, but can't feel anything yet.

Food cravings: During weeks 5-7: Peanut Butter Toast! During recent weeks: Fruit Loops...crazy! Never went out of my way to eat them before. Now I have two boxes in the house!

Crazy dreams: Yes - I've had lots of weird dreams since I've been pregnant...the one that really sticks out in my mind was when I dreamt there was a live bird stuck in my purse!

Morning sickness: No - thankfully I've been lucky and haven't had any!

Mood Changes: I've been a pretty happy girl; however, Scott says I've been too sensitive the past few weeks. haha!!

Aches & Pains: Experienced pain of my ovarian cyst rupturing during week 10! During weeks 8-11 I had some lower back pain, but I made a few visits to the chiro and feel great now!

Gender: I think it's a boy! We can find out in about 6 weeks! However, Scott wants the surprise!

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: My 25" waist!

What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or girl, decorating the nursery, a relaxing summer, Babymoon in September, nesting ;-)

Weekly Wisdom: Taking Omega 3 vitamins will increase baby's IQ! Maybe he/she won't have to work as hard as I had to in school!

Milestones: Getting Pregnant, Doctor visits, completing my first trimester...I am on a roll and feeling better than ever! Everyday is just another day in paradise!

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