Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Week 16: Movement

This week, I have experienced one of the most wonderful moments in pregnancy - feeling the baby move! Earlier this week, I noticed these flutterying movements while lying in bed at night. The baby books/websites call this "quickening." As the days have went by, I've even started feeling the fluttering movement in the car and while I'm at work sitting quietly at my desk. It's so sweet and I love feeling these random little movements....they always give me a reason to smile and thank God for the blessings in my life.
The next few weeks, baby will double it's weight and add inches to it's length. Tiny bones are forming in baby's ears...which means baby can now pick up my voice! Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. In addition, baby's heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Baby Bump: 15 Weeks Along

Here we are.....15 weeks along. I can definitely feel a round hard bump on my belly now!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Miller @ 14 Weeks

We had our 14 week appointment today and everything went great! The doc said baby is looking very healthy and beautiful. It's heartbeat was at 152 bpm and he/she was very active again today! Baby was busy waving to us, sucking it's thumb, rubbing it's eyes, and picking it's nose....(already takes after Scott!).

Here are some super cute pics from today's ultrasound:
Baby's Hand...saying "hi" to us!

Baby Sucking it's Thumb!

Baby Picking it's Nose!

Front/Top view of Baby's Head/Face
(look at those brains!!)

Aren't these pics so cute!?! I could stare at them all day! They are so amazing! Our next appointment is scheduled for July 6th. I will be 18 weeks along at that point. My next ultrasound will be around July 20th, which is when we can find out if it's a girl or boy. I still want to find out really bad (I can wait to buy that first outfit!!), but Scott keeps trying to talk me out of it...and so does our doctor!! ;-)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Recap of First Trimester

How far along? 13 weeks and 5 days

Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds up - I'm not skipping meals anymore!

Maternity clothes? Not yet - Using the hair binder trick around my pant's button though!

Sleep: During weeks 6-11, I was in bed by 7:00 p.m.! Now that I'm through my first trimester, I am back to my regular schedule when I was not pregnant - I go to bed around 10:00 p.m. and wake up around 6:30 a.m. on normal working days.

Best moment: There has been lots of them - seeing two lines on the pregnancy test, being blessed by God with this amazing gift, telling our family and friends we were expecting, hearing the heartbeat, seeing the baby in the ultrasounds, showing off ultrasound pics, being able to share updates on this blog!

Movement: I have seen baby's dancing moves in the ultrasounds, but can't feel anything yet.

Food cravings: During weeks 5-7: Peanut Butter Toast! During recent weeks: Fruit Loops...crazy! Never went out of my way to eat them before. Now I have two boxes in the house!

Crazy dreams: Yes - I've had lots of weird dreams since I've been pregnant...the one that really sticks out in my mind was when I dreamt there was a live bird stuck in my purse!

Morning sickness: No - thankfully I've been lucky and haven't had any!

Mood Changes: I've been a pretty happy girl; however, Scott says I've been too sensitive the past few weeks. haha!!

Aches & Pains: Experienced pain of my ovarian cyst rupturing during week 10! During weeks 8-11 I had some lower back pain, but I made a few visits to the chiro and feel great now!

Gender: I think it's a boy! We can find out in about 6 weeks! However, Scott wants the surprise!

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: My 25" waist!

What I am looking forward to: Finding out if it's a boy or girl, decorating the nursery, a relaxing summer, Babymoon in September, nesting ;-)

Weekly Wisdom: Taking Omega 3 vitamins will increase baby's IQ! Maybe he/she won't have to work as hard as I had to in school!

Milestones: Getting Pregnant, Doctor visits, completing my first trimester...I am on a roll and feeling better than ever! Everyday is just another day in paradise!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Nursery Ideas

So, as you can imagine, I have this baby on my brain ALL DAY LONG! I can't stop thinking about it...this tiny little miracle growing in my stomach just fascinates me to no end! Maybe it's a first time mom thing! As you've probably already guessed from my previous blog postings, I've done lots of research on the development stages of the baby - it just amazes me! But today, I wanted to share with you some findings in the Nursery chapter of my research (see above). Isn't this THE CUTEST baby girl crib bedding you have ever seen!?! I just had to share because I am so excited about it. I am still trying to find baby boy crib bedding that I I'll be sure to share with you once I find it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Lovely Baby Bump

Over the weekend I started noticing a little is the progression so far. Some of my pants won't button anymore and uh hem...some of my shirts are too small. But I am welcoming the newly round shape with a smile ;-)
This week, fingerprints have formed on baby's tiny fingertips, his/her veins and organs are clearly visible through his/her still-thin skin, and his/her body is starting to catch up with his/her head — which makes up just a third of his/her body size now. Baby is also forming teeth and vocal cords and is almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce - about the size of a peach!

I am still feeling great and better than ever. Scott has been busy working on our landscaping projects outside and it's coming along nicely...he's doing such a great job and I am so proud of his work!! I'm looking forward to some nice relaxing summer days ahead enjoying our beautiful new yard!
Thank you Scott for hard work and everything you do!!!