Thursday, July 29, 2010

Made it Half Way!

How far along? 21 weeks and 4 days

Total weight gain/loss: 12 pounds up

Maternity clothes? Yes, I've bought a few fun tops from Target....haven't bought maternity pants yet though. I have used this awesome new accessory called the "Bella Band", which is an elastic belt you wear around your waist when you can't button your pant/shorts. It's so awesome! Great invention...

Sleep: I was very energetic the beginning of my second trimester....but I've noticed these past few weeks I'm starting to get tired again...I've been lazy all week.

Best moment: Finding out we were having a baby boy was the most amazing moment ever!! Our dinner on the patio was so sweet when we got to open the envelope. Having our family and friends over to announce the surprise via the pinata was a special moment as well!! Lots of emotions....all I can think about now is this sweet little boy that is going to be in my life.

Movement: He's a very active little boy!! Last night I could see the movement from the outside of my stomach!! It was so fun to watch!

Food cravings: No major food cravings...I am just always in the mood for a good home cooked meal (no junk!)

Morning sickness: None! ;-)

Mood Changes: I still think I'm a little sensitive at times... ;-)

Aches & Pains: I'm still experiencing occasional lower back pain...I think alot of it has to do with me over-doing it and wearing high heals. I just cannot retire them yet though.

Gender: A Sweet Little BOY!!!!

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but it's making it's way out.

Stretch Marks? No.... I've been religious at applying Cocoa Butter every morning and night, so hopefully that helps prevent some at least.

What I miss: Nothing really....I enjoy being pregnant!

What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery! I already have some ideas in mind...can't wait to share.

Wisdom: I've been talking to tons of new moms lately and they've been giving me great advice....I will post a recap of the advice I've been given in a separate post.

Milestones: Finding out we're having a little boy, sharing the news with our family and friends, feeling him kick, seeing him kick on the outside, buying that first precious little boy outfit, and making it half way!

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