Tuesday, July 20, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound Update/Pics

Sooooo......I have the surprise in an envelope in my purse!! It is really hard to concentrate right now at work knowing we'll get to find out in a few hours when we get home! Oh goodness. ;-)

The appointment went very well today...the ultrasound was really in depth and they measured every little thing to make sure it was on target. They counted 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes, made sure all the body parts were there, in the right places, and measured acurately, etc. It looks like we'll be having a very healthy baby because everything was spot on...what a blessing that is!! The baby actually measured a few days bigger then 20 weeks and 2 days, so they said my due date could actually be sometime in late November. But for now, they're still keeping the due date at December 5th to be safe. Heartbeat was at 144 beats per minute.

Here are some cute pics from today's visit (they also gave me a gender shot, but it's in a separate file on the CD they gave me so I am not going to view it yet! I'll send it once we let the surprise out this weekend!)


Profile with hand by nose/mouth

Front Skeletal View of Face

Another Front View of Baby's Face

Profile of baby's body


  1. I'm due December 10th, but our baby is measuring a week ahead or so too! Congratulations! I hope you don't mind if I follow your blog :)

  2. Hi Ashley! So neat you are due 5 days after me ;-) Congratulations! I don't mind if you follow my blog...It was fun reading yours too! ;-)
