Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How far along? 27 Weeks 3 Days

Total weight gain/loss: About 14 pounds up (yikes...and I probably have another 10-12 pounds to go yet!)

Maternity clothes? I couldn't take it anymore....I needed new pants!! I tried on some maternity pants at Target - eew! I felt horrible in them. So, then I tried Gap and I fell in love with their styles! I bought two pairs of black dress pants and a pair of jeans and I love them...with the stretch panel and all!! They look great on and are very comfortable! I'm so happy...I never thought being pregnant could be so stylish! haha!

Sleep: I've been so paranoid about sleeping in the wrong position these past few weeks it's driving me crazy. I've heard once you hit your third trimester you should avoid sleeping on your back and concentrate on sleeping on your left side only (better blood circulation). I have tried this many nights, but I always end up waking up on my back. It has been such a struggle! I'm just paranoid that a wrong sleeping position could harm the baby so it's really been tough to get a good nights sleep...maybe I'm worrying too much.

Best moment: It was so much fun to spend the weekend with Scott to paint Jack's room. We made a very tedious stressful project into something fun! It was wonderful to spend that time together and made it even better that the paint job turned out amazing too!!

Movement: A few weeks ago, I was able to capture Jack's movements on my camera...finally you all could see Jack's active moves I've been talking so much about! I was so excited to share the video with you all.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular...but lately, I've really been liking Malt-O-Meal in the mornings and BLT's for lunch! Weird combo, I know.

Morning sickness: Still none! ;-)

Mood Changes: Same as usual...probably still a little sensitive.

Aches & Pains: I'm still experiencing occasional lower back pain....darn sciatic nerve!

Belly Button in or out? Totally made it's way out now!

Stretch Marks? None yet....I keep applying Cocoa Butter morning and night...I'm gonna fight them as long as I can!!

What I miss: I don't miss anything...this is a new experience for me and I'm enjoying every moment!

What I am looking forward to: Our 4D ultrasound this Saturday, Birthing classes on October 8 & 9, and our Maternity/Belly photo shoot on October 16th! My maternity leave starts November 22nd and I'll be off work until April 1st! Yay!!

Wisdom: I sent a note out to all the fabulous mama's I know asking them for advice on what to register for, and they all gave me the most wonderful advice ever! I'm so blessed to have girlfriends that have been through this before and were so gracious enough to take the time to share their wisdom with me!!! Thanks ladies!!

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