Wednesday, September 15, 2010

28 Week Dr. Appointment

We had our 28 week Dr. Appointment yesterday and it went great! At this point in pregnancy, the doctor usually wants to start seeing you every two weeks, but he said with me he didn't need to see me until another 4 weeks since things were going so well! So, my next appointment is October 8th and I'll be almost 32 weeks at that point.

Jack's heartbeat: 133 bpm
Mommy's belly: 27 centimeters

Jack continues to be active as can be! His head is on my right hand side and his legs are on my left hand side. He often picks his butt up and sticks it up in the air so my belly button pops out and it makes me look like I have a cone shaped belly!! It's so funny ;-)

I'll try and post some new pics of my belly over the weekend!

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