Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Pregnancy Timeline

Made it Half Way!

How far along? 21 weeks and 4 days

Total weight gain/loss: 12 pounds up

Maternity clothes? Yes, I've bought a few fun tops from Target....haven't bought maternity pants yet though. I have used this awesome new accessory called the "Bella Band", which is an elastic belt you wear around your waist when you can't button your pant/shorts. It's so awesome! Great invention...

Sleep: I was very energetic the beginning of my second trimester....but I've noticed these past few weeks I'm starting to get tired again...I've been lazy all week.

Best moment: Finding out we were having a baby boy was the most amazing moment ever!! Our dinner on the patio was so sweet when we got to open the envelope. Having our family and friends over to announce the surprise via the pinata was a special moment as well!! Lots of emotions....all I can think about now is this sweet little boy that is going to be in my life.

Movement: He's a very active little boy!! Last night I could see the movement from the outside of my stomach!! It was so fun to watch!

Food cravings: No major food cravings...I am just always in the mood for a good home cooked meal (no junk!)

Morning sickness: None! ;-)

Mood Changes: I still think I'm a little sensitive at times... ;-)

Aches & Pains: I'm still experiencing occasional lower back pain...I think alot of it has to do with me over-doing it and wearing high heals. I just cannot retire them yet though.

Gender: A Sweet Little BOY!!!!

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but it's making it's way out.

Stretch Marks? No.... I've been religious at applying Cocoa Butter every morning and night, so hopefully that helps prevent some at least.

What I miss: Nothing really....I enjoy being pregnant!

What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery! I already have some ideas in mind...can't wait to share.

Wisdom: I've been talking to tons of new moms lately and they've been giving me great advice....I will post a recap of the advice I've been given in a separate post.

Milestones: Finding out we're having a little boy, sharing the news with our family and friends, feeling him kick, seeing him kick on the outside, buying that first precious little boy outfit, and making it half way!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby Millhouse Gender Celebration

We had our family and friends over last night to celebrate Scott's birthday and to reveal the gender of baby Millhouse. It was an awesome night and it felt so good to be surrounded by all those we love! Scott and I filled a pinata of full of blue frill and boy stuff and the kiddos took turns hitting it until it finally broke open and the secret was revealed. Everyone was in suspense and tears were in the air as the blue spilled out of the pinata. It was so emotional (for all us girls at least!) because it was such a happy surprise! Here are a few pictures from the night.

Mom and Dad with the pinata!

Cousin Korah taking a swing!

Cousin Bryton taking a swing!

Neighbor Boy Caden taking a's almost open!

I see BLUE!!!

The aunts gawking over their nephew!

How's this little boy gonna handle all these good lookin' aunts!?!

Grandpa Dan, Grandpa Joe, Neighbor Dave, and Daddy Scott smokin' celebratory cigars in honor of the new beau joining the family!

IT'S A........

The surprise is in the envelope!! I can't wait to open it!

Scott starting to open the envelope

His initial reaction to the surprise...He is just THRILLED...I'm still in suspense!


I'm going to have a SON!! Brings a tear to my eye ;-)

The girls are excited to be big sisters and can't wait for their little brother to arrive!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Is That Your Final Answer?

The stats on the side show the following:
Boy: 44%
Girl: 56%

Is that your final answer? Stay tuned for the revealing this weekend!! ;-)

We now know what it is and can't wait to share!!!!! ;-)

20 Week Ultrasound Update/Pics

Sooooo......I have the surprise in an envelope in my purse!! It is really hard to concentrate right now at work knowing we'll get to find out in a few hours when we get home! Oh goodness. ;-)

The appointment went very well today...the ultrasound was really in depth and they measured every little thing to make sure it was on target. They counted 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes, made sure all the body parts were there, in the right places, and measured acurately, etc. It looks like we'll be having a very healthy baby because everything was spot on...what a blessing that is!! The baby actually measured a few days bigger then 20 weeks and 2 days, so they said my due date could actually be sometime in late November. But for now, they're still keeping the due date at December 5th to be safe. Heartbeat was at 144 beats per minute.

Here are some cute pics from today's visit (they also gave me a gender shot, but it's in a separate file on the CD they gave me so I am not going to view it yet! I'll send it once we let the surprise out this weekend!)


Profile with hand by nose/mouth

Front Skeletal View of Face

Another Front View of Baby's Face

Profile of baby's body

Sunday, July 18, 2010

20 Weeks

It's so hard to believe I am 20 weeks pregnant! WOW! Time sure does fly. I only have a little over 4 months left. In two more days we have our ultrasound appointment where we get to find out the sex of the baby! We're really excited and have some fun plans to share the news with everyone. But first, we're going to keep ourselves in suspense by having the ultrasound technician write down the sex of the baby on a piece of paper and lick it shut in an envelope. We'll open the envelope later that night over supper on our patio. We thought this would be a special way to find out. Once we find out though, we have to keep our lips zipped until Friday when we share the news with friends and family....that's gonna be hard for me! But it will make it so much more fun for Friday!

Baby Millhouse seems to be doing really good! He/she still remains very active. I've been feeling him/her move about over a dozen times a day. Scott finally got to feel it on the outside of my stomach last Saturday night. It was about 3 a.m. and I just had to wake him up to feel it. He thought it was pretty cool and was glad I woke him up to feel it ;-) Baby Millhouse weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He/She is also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel (the length of a banana). He/She is swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his/her digestive system.

We're looking forward to a fun week ahead...ultrasound, finding out the sex, sharing the news, Scott's birthday, cousin Justine & Travis' wedding, being with can't get any better than this! Thank you God for all these blessings we get to celebrate in our lives!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

18 Week Belly Shot

18 Week Appointment

Today was my 18 week appointment. Everything went great! Baby's heartbeat was at 140 bpm. I was also able to schedule my 20 week ultrasound appointment for July 20th at 9:00 a.m.! I'm so excited and can't wait! It will be so fun to be able to see baby Millhouse again....and of course hopefully find out if we're having a little boy or a little girl! He/she has been moving around alot lately...and I love it! It comforts me to know he/she is doing good and still kickin'!
This past weekend, Scott and I were at the grocery store and while we were checking out, a lady whispered to Scott and asked him if I was expecting. if a complete stranger can tell I'm pregnant, I must be really starting to show now! I'll try and post a belly pic later tonight!!

Rock A Bye Baby....

We made our first must-have purchase as we prepare for Baby Millhouse...a Rocking Chair! It is a great addition to our living room...I am looking forward to spending many hours in it this winter!! ;-)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Special Tribute to One Great Guy!

It's July and this month I wanted to pay special tribute to my special birthday boy as he celebrates his 28th birthday on July 25th. I have compiled a list of all the things about Scott that makes him special and one-of-a-kind. I'm so grateful for him and so blessed to be his wife.


He loves me well.
He never stops challenging me.
He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.
He prays for me.

He is gentle.
He is very patient.
He is sexy.
He dates me.

He encourages.
He does the laundry for me.
He's cooperative.
He unloads the dishwasher for me.

He is trustworthy.
He is smart.
He protects me.
He makes funny faces to get a giggle out of me.

He loves people.
He likes to surprise me.
He speaks well of others.
He does not get angry with me.

He is a giver.
He is very understanding.
He works really hard.
He stands up for me.

He is a profound teacher.
He is not jealous.
He does not compare.
He succeeds at everything

He has God's favor on him.
He is anointed.
He shares his dreams with me.
He conquers his fears with me.
He's gonna have a baby with me.

I am so grateful he is my husband.