Saturday, March 26, 2011

Three Months Already!!

Time sure does fly! My sweet little boy is already 3 months old! Everyday seems like he does something new...he's batting at objects, grabbing things, laughing, smiling, cooing, chewing on toys, holding his head up, and trying his hardest to roll over (he did once already, but hasn't since!). He sure is a sweet little fella that melts mommy's heart!! I am getting really really sad that I have to go back to work soon (April 4th)...I think we're both going to have separation anxiety :-( But the bright side is that I am going to work four 10 hour days instead of five 8 hour days so at least I can have one extra day a week to be with him!

Jack loves playing under his activity mat/gym!

Sweet little face!

He's loves swinging his arms around!

Checking out Midge!

Jack's shirt above says "Daddy's happy I'm a boy!" Too cute!

Sleepy Head PJ's that Cousin Bryton wore!
(Doesn't Jack totally look like Scott in this picture!?!)

Holding his head up nice and strong like a big boy!

He gives us lots of SMILES and LAUGHS!!

I love to chew!

St. Patty's Day! Thanks for the outfit, Lisa, Shawn, and Cooper! ;-)

I love my rings...thanks Nick, Sara, and Jordan!!!

And of course I love it when Auntie Gina comes to visit...
I get lots of pinches, squeezes, hugs, and kisses!!!

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