Sunday, December 5, 2010

40 Weeks!

My Bump at 40 Weeks

How far along? 40 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I've gained about 27 pounds
Maternity clothes? I've been off of work for two weeks now, so my attire has been PJ pants and long sleeved knits since I've just been sitting at home. Although, yesterday I broke out my skinny jeans and high heels when Scott took me out to eat and to a movie! I love dressing up!!

Sleep: Sleeping has been the most uncomfortable experience these past few weeks. It's so hard to turn from side to side with my big's hard work!! Not to mention having to get up to go to the bathroom a couple times a night too! It also doesn't help that Chloe wants to be right smack in the middle of me and there's not a whole lot of room! haha!
Best moment: I've really enjoyed these past two weeks being off of work. I just needed this time to myself to get mentally prepared. The house is now clean, organized, ready for Christmas, and ready for Jack! I've also enjoyed this time off so I could finish reading my books on what to expect when Jack is born. My mind is now at ease and I don't feel as stressed as I did when I was working. These past two weeks were well needed and I feel so much more prepared!! Thank you God for giving me this time to myself!
Movement: Jack's moves have slowed down, but he still loves to dance when he has the energy!

Food cravings: None
Morning sickness: I've been lucky - none at all!!

Mood Changes: Just nerves and anxiety.
Aches & Pains: I've had weird cramps and pains down below, but it's all due to my body getting ready for Jack's departure. ;-)
Belly Button in or out? I'm pretty sure the turkey is belly button totally sticks out!
Stretch Marks? I am happy to report - no stretch marks!!! Yay! Cocoa Butter had to have been the trick!

What I miss: I admit I will be missing my baby bump. I ordered the Belly Bandit which is supposed to help your hips and belly get back into shape quickly after birth. So I'm planning to use that, but it is kinda sad that I'll no longer have a bump. I know I will miss it!!
What I am looking forward to: There is so much to look forward to! I cannot wait till the day I get to see my baby boy for the first time and hold him in my arms. I will probably cry! He's our little gift from God. I can't wait for the many days ahead where I can sit and hold him all day long in the warmth while its so cold outside. We won't even have to leave the house! I will just stare at him all day long and will be so amazed that I grew him inside of me! It's going to be an amazing experience! I can't wait!!

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