Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Miller @ 14 Weeks

We had our 14 week appointment today and everything went great! The doc said baby is looking very healthy and beautiful. It's heartbeat was at 152 bpm and he/she was very active again today! Baby was busy waving to us, sucking it's thumb, rubbing it's eyes, and picking it's nose....(already takes after Scott!).

Here are some super cute pics from today's ultrasound:
Baby's Hand...saying "hi" to us!

Baby Sucking it's Thumb!

Baby Picking it's Nose!

Front/Top view of Baby's Head/Face
(look at those brains!!)

Aren't these pics so cute!?! I could stare at them all day! They are so amazing! Our next appointment is scheduled for July 6th. I will be 18 weeks along at that point. My next ultrasound will be around July 20th, which is when we can find out if it's a girl or boy. I still want to find out really bad (I can wait to buy that first outfit!!), but Scott keeps trying to talk me out of it...and so does our doctor!! ;-)

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